Coaching Services

Why Coaching?

It's not always easy to seek help from a mental health professional. You might not feel quite ready to start therapy, but still want to work on your goals. You may have had negative experiences with diagnosis and treatment in the past. Perhaps you already have a relationship with a therapist, but you have separate goals that you would like to work on with support. 

What is Coaching?

Coaching, often also called life-coaching, is a non-clinical process where a trained or certified professional helps an individual set and achieve goals to address problems in their life. Unlike therapeutic services, coaching is not a service that is meant to treat any medical condition, physical or mental. 

Coaching can encompass a range of subjects. Appointments may focus on motivation, productivity, creativity, self-expression, integrity, or other personal values or needs.

Can I Do Both Coaching and Therapy?

Therapy and coaching are two separate services with different purposes. They can supplement one another well, but in order to protect the therapeutic relationship, I do not provide psychotherapeutic and coaching services to a single client at the same time. If you already have an established therapist or coach, I would be happy to meet with them to ensure that we are not interfering with each other's work with you.

How Do I Know If Coaching Is Right For Me?

Coaching is not for everyone! While both coaching and psychotherapy can help a person to set measurable goals, coaching can be better for those looking for support in setting, developing, and approaching personal or professional goals, rather than deep psychological exploration. 

There is significant overlap between how counselors and coaches work with clients, so if you're not sure about whether coaching is right for you, please give us a call at (813) 563-2304 or email to schedule a free, 30-minute consultation.